Cash Now
What Is A Non-Recourse Lawsuit Cash Advance Option
Cash Now
What Is A Non-Recourse Lawsuit Cash Advance Option
Accidents can be life-altering, not just physically but also financially. Medical bills, rent, utilities, and groceries can pile up quickly, adding to the emotional and physical toll of your injury. At Glickman Law Office, we know how critical immediate support is for accident victims. For this reason, we’re excited to provide the “Cash Now” pre-settlement cash advance in partnership with third-party financial institutions.
What Is Pre-Settlement Funding?
“Cash Now” provides a no-risk funding solution created to ease your financial burden while your legal case is resolved. In contrast to standard loans, this funding eliminates financial risk. You owe nothing unless you win your case. If your case doesn’t win, you owe nothing, ensuring complete financial reassurance during a stressful phase.
Risk-Free Assistance: Zero Financial Risk
The key advantage of “Cash Now” is its non-recourse funding model. Unlike traditional financial products that require collateral or repayment regardless of outcome, you are protected from financial liability. Should your case not result in compensation, you are not obligated to repay the advance. This allows you to focus on your recovery and legal case.
Fast Approvals: Funds When You Need Them
After an unexpected accident, delays in receiving funds are not practical. With “Cash Now,” approvals are fast, and money can be in your hands within 24 hours of approval. Immediate funding solutions like this gives you the ability to handle immediate financial needs, including healthcare costs, housing, and daily necessities without delay.
No Credit Checks: Approval Based on Your Case
In contrast to standard loans requiring credit checks, approval is determined by the strength of your case. Your credit score won’t prevent you from receiving funding. Whether your financial background is strong or you’re dealing with financial challenges, this option is still open to you.
Flexible Usage: Financial Freedom on Your Terms
The money you receive from “Cash Now”, has no strings attached. This means you can use it for any necessary expenses. Whether it’s healthcare costs, utilities, or food, you decide how to use it.
Open to All Cases: Accessible and Inclusive
Regardless of your legal representation, “Cash Now” is available to all accident victims. This ensures no one is left behind, no matter their choice of attorney.
Craig Glickman Law Firm
Achieving resolutions with integrity!
10000 N. Central Expy Suite 400
Dallas TX 75231